Here we've got some left-over footage that Jero sent in straight from South America some hours ago. Montre Livingston and John Bolino are giving interviews for the Colombian TV. The local rollers are stoked to have some of the world's most respected Rollerbladers as their guests in Colombia. The viewer, far away from the action and the pure life, is stoked as well, planning their own trip to vibrant Colombia. Check out this special tour feature.
Here we go with the edit from the Oeteldope finals, the Dutch Miniramp Championchips finals. Nick Lomax and Jojo Jacobi joined this great event which took place in Sven Boekhorst's hometown. Joery vd Poel from Enschede (the Netherlands) became this year's Oeteldope champion. Congrats from the whole Be-Mag crew!
One of the first European Real Street Contest went down last week (April 24th) in Lille (France). The event attracted Real Street Skaters from all over France and some other countries. Check out the edit featuring another great street battle!
Bramptom Comp 4 is a Canadian event that allows bladers to compete against one another for prizes, fame and glory. This year Brampton Comp has been enrolled in the World Rolling Series as a level 1 event, and the top 10 riders in Pro will receive WRS points
ACHOSEN-FEW.COM has decided that constantly releasing tons of amazing content from skaters all over the planet and putting on Challenges and Online Comps for the world to compete in and win prizes is not enough. So ACHOSEN-FEW.COM has decided to start doing Street Comps. Come out to the First Chosen Few Street Comp on May 8th. Check out the flyer for all the info.
This year the infamous UTSH competition returns for supposedly the last time. Be sure to make it to Zagreb, Croatia if you can, great skating and partying guaranteed.
East Side Jam Lublin is a rollerblading contest which gathers spectators and rollerbladers from whole Poland amateurs and professionals. Slowly the event is becoming an annual competition with constantly growing interest of people connected with aggressive skating as well as respect from people beyond the rollerblading industry. It is an extraordinary event with awesome vibe and one of a kind Lublin`s atmosphere.
Barn Burner is an event that many hold close to their hearts; one of the season openers for the upcoming contest season. What went down this year? Read on!
The Bitter Cold Showdown started in 2001 at Blindside Sports in Elkhart, IN as a small rollerblading video premiere, contest and trade show. It has grown to become one of the largest gatherings in the world for the rollerblading community. Our goals since the beginning was to develop an event that was self-sustained by its sponsors and allowed everyone attending access to all activities. Currently, the trade show pays for all costs surrounding the event, which allows 100% of admissions to be used as prize money. In 2009, 264 rollerbladers competed for the Bitter Cold Showdown title.
Pony Cup is a 6 year old annual skatepark competition in Nykøbing Falster, Denmark. It is one of the largest and most popular rollerblade events in scandinavia. With a newly renovated skatepark, there are plenty of new lines and opportunities for a great day.