Fenfanix enters the hardware market for 2013 with signature wheels for their team riders Fallon Heffernan, Diego Guilloud, Romain Godenaire, and Antony Pottier!
The first time I met Konsti was on the way to ISPO Munich in 2010. Once a year we travel to this almost legendary exhibition to check out the latest products and meet some old friends again.
Always when we visit Munich it is also time to meet Munich's Infernal team rider. 2010 Dario (Soller) was representing Infernal in Munich. When we met at our way to ISPO he told me that it was time for him to hand over his Infernal sponsorship to someone younger than him, to get in some fresh blood. As he wanted to keep an infernal representative in Munich he introduced Konsti to me, with the recommendation to keep an eye on him, as he was one of the rising talents from Munich. Konsti is a very nice guy, someone you like to hang out with and go for a session. He is not the type of guy looking for attention all the time. He is rolling for himself and the pure fun with an incredible smooth style.
So we stayed in contact, he e-mailed me his clips and pictures and in the next summer Konsti was on the Infernal team, representing us in Munich.
It's not the normal way how you get on the team, but Konsti is also not the normal skater. Hes a really cool guy with amazing skills, that's why he came to Infernal.
But to keep it like Konsti, we will let his actions speak, so enjoy his clips, pics and interview.
Having a print publication to show off the sport to outsiders is as important to Blading as a page on the internet where everyone can get their daily dose of Rolling. Many people are contributing to Be-Mag each month to keep the project alive and make it the longest running source for Blading content in print and on the net. With the core team of Be-Mag doing it for the love and all contributors also working for free there are still costs that occur. Paying for the servers, programming costs, countless other things that result in a huge sum each month. Needless to say it costs a small fortune to print a large number of magazines and distribute it all over the globe.
New York City and it's surrounding areas have always been a breeding grounds for incredible rollerblading talent. It's arguable that it could be one of the best scenes in the world. In recent years as big name talent has left the area for greener pastures and different opportunities, a new breed of Tri State talent has been getting more shine. The first person that always immediately comes to my mind when I think of New York and blading these past three years is Sean Grossman. Between countless edits of himself and others, his online video 'Peep Game', and his upcoming video 'Big Apple Blade', Sean has single handedly put himself at the forefront of New York City rollerblading media. I have loved watching Sean's progression the past few years, and couldn't be prouder to present to you supreme connoisseur, Long Island resident, style buff, and my very good friend, Sean Grossman.