Be-Mag reached 30K fans on Facebook today. Thanks for everyone that supported us over the last 15 years! Head over to our Facebook page to find out more about our plans to celebrate both 15 years in the game and 30K Facebook fans!
Having a print publication to show off the sport to outsiders is as important to Blading as a page on the internet where everyone can get their daily dose of Rolling. Many people are contributing to Be-Mag each month to keep the project alive and make it the longest running source for Blading content in print and on the net. With the core team of Be-Mag doing it for the love and all contributors also working for free there are still costs that occur. Paying for the servers, programming costs, countless other things that result in a huge sum each month. Needless to say it costs a small fortune to print a large number of magazines and distribute it all over the globe.
Having a print publication to show off the sport to outsiders is as important to Blading as a page on the internet where everyone can get their daily dose of Rolling. Many people are contributing to Be-Mag each month to keep the project alive and make it the longest running source for Blading content in print and on the net. With the core team of Be-Mag doing it for the love and all contributors also working for free there are still costs that occur. Paying for the servers, programming costs, countless other things that result in a huge sum each month. Needless to say it costs a small fortune to print a large number of magazines and distribute it all over the globe.
Eulogy has been pouring wheels for well over a decade now so they've seen the high times and the low times of skating. We spent a few minutes checking in with Isaac talking about the team, big wheels and skater owned businesses.
Read the interview with Jordan Smith of 'Rolling With The World' on to find out more about their project. You're very welcome to help with the funding via Kickstarter.
Its been a while now since the Hedonskate Bladelicious tour around Lithuania has ended, but I still have very strong memories from it. As with every tour, there are successes and failures. But, of course only the best of times stay with you in your mind. This was the first time I took part in organizing the entire event, and along side with Kaspars Alksnis efforts it went down really well. The first attempt at anything is always a learning experience. Now, I know exactly what to do next time to make it bigger and better.