Terrible news has come out regarding inline skating legend Erik Bailey. On the night of July 22nd, Erik Bailey went to bed in the home that he shared with his father and was awoken in the night to his house engulfed in flames and mere seconds to get out. Luckily Erik’s father was out of town at the time of the fire and Erik was able to escape his home with non-life-threatening burns, but unfortunately they lost every single material possession they owned.
Erik is well known within the blading community, his years traveling the world and competing in some of the biggest competitions and his time skating professionally for the Valo company helped establish Erik as one of the greatest skaters to ever strap on a pair of skates. On top of being one of the most naturally gifted skaters around, he is also one of the most humble and modest individuals, and he would likely be the last person on earth who would ask for help, so his good friend Kyler Martz setup a GoFundMe page to help Erik in his time of need.
Although there is is no way to replace the Bailey’s family heirlooms and antiques, memorabilia from Erik’s skating career and his personal artwork they are hoping to raise enough money to help Erik and his father get housing and the basic necessities they need to live.
Please help Erik and his father and contribute whatever you can towards his GoFundMe. We have seen the blading community do incredible things when we band together and help those in need, so please lets show Erik the same love that he gave to us all these years.