“Derek Henderson once said ‘This kid has no respect for his body!’ After seeing a few of Chad’s bails, you’ll understand. It’s amazing to see what Chad Tannehill is willing to go though to get the trick. As Chad continues to seek out and find more dangerous spots, his hit list grows, and we want to see more!

A working man and father to Cylas (2 y/o), Chad skates weekends (when he can) – or sometimes after a full day out in the oil fields. Overtime is game time for Chadwick, who also rides for @s9bearings, @intuitionskateshop, and @5050frames. This Razors 2018 section compiles the last of his SL footage, along with newer Shift and Shift 2 clips. Filmed primarily in his native oil boom town of Taft, with additional locations in Arvin and across Southern California. Sit back and watch your new favorite bruiser get rough and rowdy on the streets.” – Matt Mickey


Filmed by: Cody Norman, Anthony Luna, and Matt Mickey
Edited by: Stefan Brandow
Song: Disorder
Artist: Meatbodies