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Press Release:
January 07, 2013
I am writing this because I want to clear the air and allure behind the reemergence of the Videogroove Videomagazine series “Battle My Crew”. We have pushed back the deadline one last time for the sake of bringing BMC back full force! Daniel Fabiano has been really patient during my career transition and is patiently awaiting my new camera gear with the help of my new job at Woodward Entertainment. We have also been donating our time working hard as a collective rollerblading community of professionals finishing up our work on Jon Julio’s Blading Cup, airing on national television for the Fox Network .
Daniel Fabiano and I have joined forces to bring back VGBMC for the simple reason that it just felt right. The last VG was released in 2005, during this time I was starting a new career in television with FUEL TV/FOX. We still managed to release the remaining titles in the works: VG22 “Coast to Coast”, VG23:”Delegation of Authority” and “Best of Vol.2”. After these final issues, Videogroove took found its resting place in the underground.
I never wanted to leave rollerblading, but the lack of sales and the ability to support myself became obviously apparent. This career move was a great personal challenge as and helped me to grow into the professional entrepreneur that I am today. Over the past decade at FUEL TV, I learned how to be a better producer, story teller, editor, director, cinematographer, and maintain these intensive positions at a major television network. Sometimes you need to go out from the comfort zone and gain more skills and professional experience to come back to make your industry stronger.
I am truly blessed to announce that my life decisions have brought me to become the new Executive Director for the Camp Woodward Entertainment division. I am in charge of the television series and all the creative content for the brand. This new job will allow me to be that much closer to rollerblading than I have been able to in the previous 10 years. Woodward is my family… They have always supported me.
VG is for life and I always meant that, but to bring it back I had to have someone who could be able to provide a platform in which they care for the VG brand as much as I do. Daniel Fabiano has been urging me for years to work on with him in order to bring VG back into the public eye. Over time, circumstances, trust, and relentless pursuit from him to make it happen, we were provided with an opportunity to bring it back to the roots.
We can’t do it alone though; we need you… All of you.
Daniel’s passion for VG reminds me of myself and all the other great VG directors such as: Chris Majette, Drew Bachrach, Beau Cottington, all my NorCal juiced sucka fools, to the ATL clicks, to my Northeast Boston, NY, NJ, Baltimore, Philly and NYC crews… and on and on who have supported the VG series for decades. Not failing to mention all of the international crews worldwide. This has and always will be an open format. Daniel and I both feel, as I am sure most of you do, VG would be a welcome breath of fresh air back into rollerblading. Thanks to Beau “the mayor” Cottington’s OG reunion and Jon “El Presidente” Julio’s Blading Cup this year has made rollerblading’s bright future more tangible and real than ever.
So I know there has been a release date announced, but everything has to be pushed back to I can get my $%^& together and my gear purchased through Woodward Entertainment. Therefore, I will not be able to start filming my section until February 2013 and want to be a major part of the aesthetics and feel of the new VGBMC. Be patient and understand that the longer we wait the better it will be for all.
I call on very single rollerblader to drop the BS. I call on everyone who ever was a part of VG and supported us to do it once again. This is for real. We truly are not doing this for money, clearly there is none. We are bringing VG back out of the love. Endless hours will be spent planning along with working regular jobs and supporting my family.
Blading is about the love. It’s about the everlasting friendships… The crews formed… The brotherhood.
So get your crew together, avoid the politics, and get to work! New Deadline is April 30, 2012 for all BMC Edits!
Love and respect to all,
David Allan Paine
Owner and Director
Videogroove Videomagazine
Est. 1993