The French rollerblading scene brings photos and stories from this year's Lyon Roller Open. We hear from participant Javi Garrido, judge Précilia Verdier, organizer Homere Kalampalikis, and MC Baptiste Urbain. Our Staff Photographer Clément Barbaza spent the weekend documenting it for this feature and presenting his first photo exhibition to much acclaim.
Working with the Russian Skateboarding Federation and World Skate, and the first All-Russian children's contest. For the Russian rollerblading scene, this kind of support in the future means big things for us...
It’s been difficult for me to find the words to describe Blading Cup and the significance of its tenth celebration. It’s an emotional one, more so than previous years...
To be honest, I don’t even know where to begin. Let’s start with this was supposed to be just another skate trip. Saved up for a ticket, food, and necessities...
There are between 12 and 25 black bears that live within the city limits of Mammoth Lakes, California, which means that they outnumber native rollerbladers on a scale of at least 6 to 1...
As so many things that involve skating and my friends who skate, Roll Twin Ports, or RTP, felt like a blend of a reunion, an inside joke, a vacation, and a public spectacle. It’s pretty easy to fall into a glory-days state of mind when thinking of past RTPs.
New York City has an allure that very few cities have. It has been the epicenter of the modern world for many years & has been romanticized by countless novels, films and albums...
Brandon Thompson | I was down in Columbus, I opted to skip spring break and do a week-long seminar course in the state house where I get to go learn all about state government...