Be-Mag issue #41 coming at ya! Available now at your favourite blade store / newsstand / airport lounge (for those of you living the Tour Life). Packed with just the best content, featuring a superman from America, life on the road in Thailand, an up-and-comer from Norway, Rolling Artist from Berlin, blading in The Congo and so much more. Check out whats in it.
Having a print publication to show off the sport to outsiders is as important to Blading as a page on the internet where everyone can get their daily dose of Rolling. Many people are contributing to Be-Mag each month to keep the project alive and make it the longest running source for Blading content in print and on the net. With the core team of Be-Mag doing it for the love and all contributors also working for free there are still costs that occur. Paying for the servers, programming costs, countless other things that result in a huge sum each month. Needless to say it costs a small fortune to print a large number of magazines and distribute it all over the globe.
Arguably one of the most deserved pro skates to ever come out, the Razors Jenna Downing Pro SL Skate is an amazing symbol of success and achievement for Jenna Downing. Over the course of her skating career Jenna has won just about every major competition there has been, from X-Games medals to World Championship titles, she has won it all. One of Jennas biggest supporters throughout her skating career has been Razor Skates, who decided to reward Jenna for all her hard work and commitment to the sport by giving Jenna her own pro skate.
Having a print publication to show off the sport to outsiders is as important to Blading as a page on the internet where everyone can get their daily dose of Rolling. Many people are contributing to Be-Mag each month to keep the project alive and make it the longest running source for Blading content in print and on the net. With the core team of Be-Mag doing it for the love and all contributors also working for free there are still costs that occur. Paying for the servers, programming costs, countless other things that result in a huge sum each month. Needless to say it costs a small fortune to print a large number of magazines and distribute it all over the globe.