Syeahskate have returned with their newest Grind Challenge 9 video contest titled Occult Rituals which showcases entries from sixteen unfathomably evil blading crews from all over the world, who wage an infernal battle! The devilish teams were tasked with creating an occult themed blading video in a mere thirty-three days, consisting of three or more crew members and and only street skating was allowed, meaning no soft skate park footage!
The challenges this time around are some of the most diabolical and uproarious yet, such as doing a pornstar grind in a church, stalling the tomb of a dead priest and the most painful sounding of all: wearing skates on all fours and roll doing the exorcist backbend pose!
The Elders judge their work in the following order:
• Skating

• Video Aesthetics / Creativity

• Humour

• Challenge points

Challenge points alone wont get you to the top 3, but for teams fighting to the top these could be critical into gaining the Elders favour. • All Challenges except “CINEMATIC” are “BEST ONE WINS”, meaning only one person will collect the challenge points and bring glory to his/her team.
The top three teams shall ascend to the summit, forever haunting the minds of all those who dare to remember. The rest shall be engulfed by the cold, unforgiving shadows, forever lost in mediocrity.
Here are the sixteen entries for your viewing pleasure; if you dare!