The Russian wonder Daniel Goncharov aka Dany Mansky has just dropped his incredibly stylish profile from his Duos VOD that he released with fellow countrymen Ivan Kovtun earlier this year. Daniel has been a force within the Russian skating community for over a decade now and has progressed more and more with each new release and his newest Duos VOD is easily his best work yet.

One thing that stands out about Dany’s skating is that it is always set to breakneck speed and his level of control is truly a site to see. He charges at everything with utter confidence and makes even the most difficult tricks look like a walk in the park. I mean who else casually disaster 450 royales rails these days? Dany sure does and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

So check out Dany’s profile and be on the lookout for more incredible footage from him in the future.

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