2017 has been a huge year for rollerblading. Within a small, tight-knit community such as ours, never have we seen such an aboundance of innovative and different skating styles, so much innovative skating and such an incredible do-it-yourself attitude towards creation, be it skating, making videos, organizing competitions or skating schools all around the world. For a medium, such as Be-Mag, it was sometimes hard having track of everything that went on, but we have given it our best to cover the most important events, video launches, to help shed light on the most talented and hard working pros and up-and-comers, to talk to the people shaping rollerblading as it is today.
At 20 years old, Be-Mag is today the longest running publication in rollerblading, so it was finally time to introduce an end-of- year list of the best in rollerblading.
So, with great pleasure, we present you with our first ever Top Ten, Be-Mag’s annual awards for achievements in rollerblading.
We’ve developed 10 categories. Fill in for each category who or what you feel was the top performing for each. We’ll corral everyone’s vote and, based on the number of votes, develop a top 3 contenders for each category for a final vote.
Preliminary voting ends the 16th and we’ll announce our nominations on the following day.