Urban Sports Week Amsterdam 2016: Flyer & Announcement

In just ten days, Amsterdam will host a whole series of events, and with the Urban Sports Week, you can be sure there is a whole lot of blading on the program! Among many other sports, the audience will get to experience blading the real way: Mind The Gap, Get Out The Way, Olympia Games, Real Street contest, there is a little something for everyone, so check out the program and make sure to come out and make some noise for blading!

All you need is to strap some wheels under your feet and you are ready to have some fun. Explore the city fast or do some amazing dare devil tricks like jumping, spinning or grinding. Skaters love a challenge. They fall, get up and try again until it succeeds. Tricks can be done in a skatepark or on the city streets.

Visit the USWA website here: urbansportsweekamsterdam.com
Check out the Inline program: urbansportsweekamsterdam.com/sports/inline-skating
Follow their page for more updates: facebook.com/urbansportsweek


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