The Allinson Brothers of Tusk have released their epic new full-length video titled “Southland”, which features a whos-who of the South’s best blading brethren. After the success of their previous video “Roses”, Bon Allinson had a very serious health scare that put their plans for a new full video in jeopardy. Jon Allinson had this to say about his brother’s situation & the filming behind “Southland”.
After Roses’s I really didn’t think another full-length video was in the cards any time soon. Some edits of course but nothing on a large scale. In early 2023 my brother Bon had some surprising health issues come up that required an immediate open heart surgery with a long period of recovery after. It was up in the air if he would continue skating after his recovery. I started visiting Chattanooga and filming with Ray with no real direction. Just stacking clips for a small edit. Around the same time Eric Larson had recently moved to Atlanta from New Haven CT. He had reached out to me before he moved and expressed interest in linking up to skate and film. I was familiar with his skating from the Talboyz videos and he had the creative approach to skating that I am drawn to with the people I chose to film.
By the time Bon had recovered there was a nice collection of footage accumulating and he was ready to start getting clips. I was filming Bon on a hot summer day at this particularly crusty spot set back in the woods and it occurred to me that this like many of the spots we choose to skate only exist in the south. The ground is unforgiving, nature is reclaiming the structure, this is the SOUTHLAND. With Bon being back in action and Eric a welcomed addition there was no reason not to explore the landscape and showcase the nooks and crannies of the south.
Jon Allinson
Featuring profiles of Bon Allinson, Eric Larson, Jon Allinson, and Ray Kronenberg and appearances from Serg Munoz, Nick Gunter, Julian Bah, Matty Schrock, Tracy Kendrick, Luis Corrales, Olie Souphanh, Rob Thompson, Chris Smith, Justin Amarti, Anthony Alari, Juan Espinosa, Philip Moore, Richard Williams and Michael Braud

Eric and Bon quality control

Filmed by: Jon Allinson Edited by: Bon Allinson Additional filming by: Bon Allinson, Ray Kronenberg, Eric Larson, Luis Corrales, Chris Smith