The Adapt brand are celebrating their 10 year anniversary of making some of the most technically advanced skates on the market and the brand recently announced their newest signature Brutale model for their long time rider, Julian Bah! The skate features several upgrades from their previous models such as a new reinforced nubuck skin, new aluminum sixmount and torsion plates, an improved cuff area with additional foam for improved comfort, a re-shaped leather patch which will protect your Adapts from the wear-and-tear and a slick looking black anodized “ghost” bolt protector and grey nubuck powerstraps. Plus many more upgrades!
Now to kick off the release of the Julian Bah signature Brutale, J. Bah collaborated with ATL videographer extraordinaire Richard Williams to create this awesome new promo highlighting Julian’s always impressive skating as well as his skills on the mic, showing that Jules is not limiting himself to just one craft. So peep the promo and be sure to pick up a pair of Julian’s fresh new boots which are available now at the Adapt Brand site!

Featured image: Juan David (@juda3s )