Michel Prado and his incredible recovery from his near fatal assault years ago is stuff legends are made of. To see Michel come back from his debilitating injuries and to be skating better and noticeably more inspired than before is one of the most inspiring stories that blading has ever seen.
Michel continues his hot streak in his newest VOD entitled “FROM THE DIRT“, which is presented by Martell and filmed and edited by the talented Teles Angel, with additional filming assistance from Marc Moreno, Antein Sola & Carlos Bernal as well as motion graphics provided by Marc Moreno. The VOD was shot entirely on the gnarliest and most intimidating spots that the beautiful blade mecca of Barcelona Spain has to offer; so if you are a fan of Michel’s hyper technical and hammer filled skate sections, than this VOD will surely please your needs.
So be sure to show your support and pick up “FROM THE DIRT” now by clicking the picture below or hit that Sellfy link.


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