Brian Aragon touring China Live-Update #8: First Day of Practice

Write-up by Brian Aragon
Photos by Killa Kai and Franky Zhang 

We arrived at the event site around 11am and the rain started falling and the temperature was dropping. As we walked over to the course, I saw many of the Chinese skaters who I had met just a couple weeks ago when I was in Houzou competing. You could tell everyone was pretty bummed that there was going to be no practice but on the bright side we did get to see the course and it looked to be built and set up in a cool way. Before leaving the site I did an interview with the biggest sports channel here in Beijing. They asked basic questions about skating and the event but none the less it was very worth while.

Everyone decided that instead of going back to the hotel they wanted to go shopping at the Zoo Market, one of the places I’d been twice on this trip alone. The name Zoo Market fits this shopping area perfectly as it is a total sensory overload with all the clothes, people, and smells. We spent about an hour and a half zigging and zagging through the narrow isles that make up this enormous market and when everyone had a bag in hand we decided it was time to head out. Though we were all bummed that the weather prevented practice this is just a part of tour, you never really know what card your going to be dealt. We stopped and had a bite to eat before we came back to the hotel and settled in for the night. All we can do is hope the weather is on our side tomorrow!

-Brian Aragon

Check out all live-updates of this tour here.