Nick Wood has been shredding through New York with Mason Richard, Dave Lang, Jesus Medina and Sean Agoliati some days before the Last Man Standing comp went down.
Check out this sweet edit by Dom West (Vine St. producer) showing Australian Valo rider Craig Brocklehurst while he sessions a Mini-ramp. Clean slow-motion shots mixed with Craig's buttery-smooth steeze which will motivate you to grab your skates.
The Apple Juice is the mushroomed story of my personal involvement in rollerblading over the course of the past decade, complete with full color photographs; vignettes of the artwork that is rollerblading. It incorporates my adventures in New Jersey and New York City as a youth to my subsequent and various cross-country trips to many of America's great cities and hub locations for the rollerblading industry and culture, including a year spent in San Francisco working with Sean Cullen and Kevin Yee on the film, The Apple Rest in Peace San Francisco, which was of great inspiration.
Some issues ago we released a special AM issue in which Mark amongst some others has been promoted as one of the upcoming talents in Rollerblading. We decided to feature Mark since he pushed the envelope hard in rolling and definitely deserved the recognition. Looking back on Mark's young skating career there are quite a few milestones to identify: His AM interview in Issue 30, his profile in the ONE-Video and as of lately the first place at the Last Man Standing. It looks like we knew it, Mark would get up on the skate podium since in the current issue we featured Mark again with a big interview. Take a sneak peek at the interview here.
Jonas Hansson (the director of Flygt) is working on his new Rollerblading film entitled Traitement which should be released in the beginning of 2011. The project is a collaboration with Be-Mag and will also have a profile on Mathieu Heinemann and some more Rollerblading icons.
After hitting Bilbao we decided to move a little bit more south and up straight to Valladolid since the forecast was warning us. This was a good decision. Read on and you'll find out more about our amazing last three days.
The Last Man Standing 2010 comp is coming up pretty fast. Nick Wood, Dave Lang, Mason Richard, Jesus Medina and some more are currently in New York leaving their marks on New York's most popular spots. Tomorrow you can meet them all at the LMS 2010 comp. Be there and enjoy the show.
I left San Diego for Seattle one week ago and It seems like a month. Now I'm
here in New York city. I would first like to give a shout out to Seattle.
The 10th SBS (Street Battle Seattle) was as wild as I hoped. Big ups to
Jeremy Townsend for a great contest and My Remz flow brothers Sean Cowen,
Nacho, Kawika, and Josia Blee for hitting it hard to help me make an edit
that will be up this week, so look for that. But now I'm in the belly of the
Psyko Clothing just dropped us this update from their pre-sessions with Remz for the Last Man Standing competition this weekend. See what they have been up to in this edit and check the shots they sent us over. Be sure to watch out for more updates from our Be-Mag/ New York correspondents which will start rolling in soon. We will be getting you tons of content from the Last Man Standing competition this weekend, so stay tuned.
Be-Mag sent out one of his New York ambassadors, Joseph Perez, to the first round of this year's Last Man Standing competition. The New York skate scene has been blowing up strongly over the last couple years. Due to the recent New York edits floating through the Rollerblading media the rise of the scene has become even more aware. The first round of the Last Man Standing comp was just another testimony for it. Joseph covered the full event for us and reconstructed the hype that went down there. If this is the Amateur level, I wonder what can be expected next weekend from the PRO-category. Good to know we are sending out again people to cover the event for us here. But now it's time for the Amateur coverage. Enjoy it.