The Valo-Team is still shredding in beautiful Portugal. They found some beautiful spots there to film for the upcoming Valo video! They also found out that Portugal can get really hot.
Robert Guerrero is a supporting pillar in our sport. Almost every Rollerblader out there might have come across his name. In our latest print issue Rob was spotlighted with a big interview. But this was obviously not enough. Our readers still had a lot of questions and interest for this Rollerblading icon that has enriched our sport in so many and different ways! Read on.
All the big boot companies in our sport are tearing their way across Europe currently. Razors including Brian Aragon, Stefan Horngacher, Don Bambrick and Dre Powell just got back from Switzerland.
Simon Mulvaney (winner of the 2010 GradEx film festival) just released this amazing profile view on UK's Rollerblading postergirl, Jenna Downing. In this edit you can get a great insight into Jenna Downing's passion for rolling, as she explains how she started, her views on the industry and what needs to be done in the future.
The guys from inmag just posted up a nice interview with Dom West from Australia. This is a really entertaining read since Dom has a lot to talk about.
Zebastian Cassel and Fredrik Anderson, come up with this first promo edit for the rollTogether #14 session taking place at the ZeroOneSix skatepark you can see in this edit. This is one of the best skateparks Europe has to offer. Keep your eyes peeled for the next two promo edits.Quoting rollTogether:
"Skaters from all over the place already announced their support and attendance. Plan your trip to Sweden and join the madness and the rollTogether family in Eskilstuna. One thing is for sure: The Scandinavian scene is strong, passionate and stoked to skate with the rest of Europe! See you soon"
Brazilionaire is an international media Producer, Editor, Entrepreneur, and National Award Winning Director. Originally from Belo Horizonte, Brazil he was born Helton Sales Siqueira, and earned the nickname Brazilionaire while producing videos as a teen. His work has been featured on MTV, VH1, NBC, Rolling Stone Magazine, and more. His videos have a combined millions of views on YouTube and are leading the digital generation of media producers. You can see his work on the the other pages of this blog.
Valo just announced their stops for the European Summer Tour 2010. The Valo Team consisting of Alex Broskow, B Smith, Cosimo Tassone, Erik Bailey, Ivan Narez, Jon Julio, Soichiro Kanashima and Victor Arias will bash their way through Europe, starting from the Chaz Sands Invite through Amsterdam, Montpellier and Lisbon and ending a eight day trip through Spain. You can look forward to some kicking ass Valo footage in may!