The boys at Syeahskate have returned with their sixth edition of their popular “Grind Challenge” video series. The contest series featured 20 teams with 115 skaters from 12 different countries! The rules for the online contest were that the edit must contain between 3-7 people, include no skatepark footage and the edits were judged based on blading skills, artistic effort and creativity. The Syeah team then created a points list of tricks with varying levels of difficulty that the teams would follow to win points towards the contest.
The top 5 teams are then awarded points based on their efforts, which were: 8000 points for 1st, 5500 points for 2nd, 4000 points for 3rd, 2000 points for 4th and 1000 points for 5th.
After calculating all of the points, the winners for the contest have been announced and the “El Canuto” crew which features the incredible talents of Xavi Eguino, Sacha Lopez, Craig Hamilton, Matei Lache, Salim Sikha, Vladimir Kocherga and Paquillo Sola went home with the grand prize of the contest. Not only did the crew pull off some of the most difficult tricks in the set list with consistent style, but the overall production value for the video which was edited by Salim Sikha of PausePlayVideos was incredibly high as well.
We spoke with Matei Lache of El Canuto about the filming process for the video and how his crew came together to create this award winning piece. Here is what Matei had to say.
“After two months of being stuck in quarantine in Barcelona, Salim Sikha came with the idea to gather a crew and make an edit for the Grind Challenge 6, an online video competition organized by Syeahskate. The goal of the competition is deliver a street edit and also get extra points for the challenges provided by the organizers. The whole thing was very spontaneous, with each one of us being from a different country our team turned out to be about as random and diverse as it gets. Some of the teammates have never even met each other before we started shooting, which now seems insane considering how many experiences we managed to share throughout just one month of filming together. The main idea of our crew was to showcase a varied mix of styles and tricks and have fun while doing it. El Canuto ended up the winning edit of Grind Challenge 6.”
Congratulations on your win, El Canuto!

Here is the awesome list of rules and tricks that the Syeahskate team compiled for the Grind Challenge.
Rules: – Make a rollerblading edit with 3-7 people. – No skateparks. The edits are judged on the following:
Blading skills: Artistic effort & creativity overall effort.
The top 5 teams get: 8000 / 5500 / 4000 / 2000 / 1000 points + challenges points
GC6 Challenges GRINDS: /// 300 points
•Land a “True Neg Acid”
•Grabbed “Alley oop Fish” on a ledge
•Do a legit “True Misfit”
•Get low on a “Sweaty” on a short ledge (max 10cm high) steeziest one wins!
•”True Makio” 360 revert
•”Neg Open Book” …Yikes
•Land a “360 Unity”
•Perform 4 legit switch ups /// 400 points
•“Ao Soul” a steep handrail.. Scary! •“True Soul” 540 out
•“Hurricane” any topside!
SPIN TO WIN: /// 300 points
•Do a “Flyfish” grab! Make it stylish!
•Do you even “720” on FLAT bruh?
•Gap through a road, sidewalk to sidewalk. If its narrow, no points.
•Gap “180” into a “Stair Bash” ( at least 4 stairs in OR 1m before the stair set)
•“Fakie 5” over 10 stairs, or a similar gap
•Land a legit “True Wallride” anywhere
•Gap something after skitching a vehicle /// 400 points
•Do any “Flip” on a decent stair set
•Roll down a legit double kink ledge
•Launch into a lake or the sea. Coolest one wins. 500 points
•Land a “900” anywhere
•“Fakie Backflip” a stair set
WEIRD SHIT /// 300 points
•Skate an S-rail
•“Soul” stall a vertical wall or railing
•Use a tree in your trick
•Cess 5+ meters anywhere
•Spin on a heel roll, most full spins win
•Grind or Cess out of a truck or any farming vehicle
GET INVOLVED: /// 400 points
•Skate something inside an abandoned building
•Build a diy launch ramp from stuff you find on the street, using no tools, and 360 it
•Do a trick in-between stations during a metro/train ride
•Skate something with a historical monument of your city in the shot
•Do a legit skateboard grind
•Unfold & eat a whole Mac cheeseburger whilst on a toe roll
•Wear your country’s native folk clothing and do a handrail
•Arm wrestle a strong bmxer on the streets, if you lose, no points
•Get props from the police, like a high 5! BEST OF: /// 500 points
•Most kinks in an obstacle
•Best rail transfer
•Best line ( 3+ obstacles & your last trick must not be the easiest of the line ) •Longest rail
•Best bail
•Funniest “Meme” on the FB event page
•Any injury requiring a visit to the hospital, you lose 500 points
•Any tricks posted online will cost you 1000 points
•Deviations from the rules might cost you 500 points ✋