Jeremy Ghouila aka Jey McFly just put his incredible VOD titled “Funeral” online for free! In an age when videos are quite lacking in personality, Jey’s skating is a breathe of fresh air in that he skates at break neck speed and laces his tricks with a ton of attitude. His skating is actually very reminiscent of a young Carlos Pianowski as he mainly rolls spots that most skaters would walk away from; he skates to metal and his wardrobe probably has no semblance of color anywhere near it. Despite Jey recovering from a number of serious injuries he released one of the most epic, stunt filled sections in a very long time.
Filmed on location in Montpellier & Lyon France with the assistance of Charly Gringos, Hadrien Bastouil, Lou Fulford, Victor Legrand, Umberto Toselli and Nicolas Piccarreta. Pictures provided by Hadrien Bastouil and graphic art by Bastien Ghouila.