Norway’s Olav Norheim is flying under the radar for way too long. His unique „all or nothing“ style, combined with a touch of cleverness, makes it absolutely enjoyable to watch Olav destorying spots or sessioning a park. Besides being one of the rawest dudes on blades, Olav has a trait that is hard to find these days. He is not a man of much words. This, combined with his absolute honesty and hospitality makes him one of the persons that you wish wouldn’t live that close to the North Pole.
We are happy to introduce you to the winner of the Haitian Magazine Video Contest, Olav Norheim.

Full Name: Olav Norheim
Blading since: 1999
Born in: Meldal, Norway
Currently living in: Oslo, Norway
Sponsors: Valo
Setup: Red & Black JJ lights with Valo frames and Chimera wheels
Relationship status: Occupied
First ever pair of blades: Crazy Creek inlines with no middle wheels.
First ever video you’ve watched: VG 9.
Favorite Pro: Alex Broskow and Brandon Campbell
Favorite Am: Andrew Jacuzzi
Favorite artist / band: Motörhead and Johnny Cash
Worst artist / band: Psy and every dubstep “artist” out there.
Favorite food: Fish balls with white sauce and potatoes. And hotdogs with bacon and cheese.
Worst food: Fastfood.
Best job: Pro blader
Worst job: No job
Favorite city: Copenhagen
Worst city: Haven’t been there yet.
Favorite terrain to blade: Untouched and different.
Worst injury: Infection in my leg. Had to spend 2 weeks at the hospital. Put me out of blading and work for 3 months.
Best trip in 2012: Cali with Kåre and Patrick and Nice (France) with my girlfriend and her family and Jonas Bødtker.
Last trip: Swedish championship in Eskilstuna.
Next trip: Winterclash
Next video part you’re filming for: Troll 6 (norwegian movie) and try to get some clips for Valo V.
Hey Olav, where are you right now and what did you do before you started answering all this?
Im at my parents house in Trondheim for christmas. Super hungover watching Mickey Mouse with my two nieces.
You recently won the Haitian Video Contest. Did you just had some unused clips flying around and when the contest started you cut something together? Or did you film especially for that? Didn’t have any plans for the clips i got this year. Thought the edit contest was a cool concept and wanted to give it a shot. Thanks for all the good feedback, everyone.
How is living on Oslo when it comes to blading? Hows the scene, how many months of the year you can go street skating?
The scene is small but great. Everyone are friends, no hating and great spots. Streetskating season lasts from April to October. So we have to make the best out of what we got.
How would you describe Norway in general to someone that has never been there? Good stuff, bad stuff…
Beautiful, varied terrain and weather, calm people, bad roads and freakin expensive.
Last year you went to the USA together with Patrick Ridder and Kare Lindberg. How was that?
The trip was great. Nice to get away from the norwegian winter for a couple of weeks. Thanks to Ivan for hosting, driving us around and showing us all the great spots for skating and eating. Lots of beers, skating and zero stress. Just the way I like it.
What do you think about little, non-stop-talking Italians in your apartment?
Haha…..i love them just as much as I love long, non-stop talking Germans. A lot!
Thanks for taking the time! Any shout outs?
My girlfriend, family, Norwegian bladers and for this interview. Merry christmas and happy new year. See you at Winterclash 2013!