Our good friends over at Blader Union have just dropped their newest Crowd Funded video profile on the legendary Frenchman, Adrien Anne! The Trigger Skate pro has one of the deepest bag of tricks in the blade game and his technical wizardry is on full display. From his signature one-footed grinds to his masterful switch-ups & ability to skate street and park equally, Adrien puts together quite an impressive section.

Blader Union’s Crowd Funded series is made possible with the support of their backers on Patreon. Since 2017 they have worked to not only feature some of the most unique and talented skaters around the world but to pay them for their time and effort. So chip in a few duckets and show some love to the good guys at Blader Union.

Be sure to follow Adrien Anne on his social media accounts.
Instagram: @adrienanne
Also follow our friends at Blader Union for more awesome content.
Facebook: BladerUnion
Instagram: @bladerunion
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