French style king and Adapt Rider Guillaume Le Gentil recently killed it at the Bling Bling contest in Nantes. Not only did he land one of the most memorable tricks of the day with that buttery AO Topsoul down a long and steep ledge, he made blading look beautiful all day long and at every spot. We thought its time to take a closer look at his ride to see what setup makes him enjoy blading so much.

Boot: Adapt J. Bah Vegan White
Wheels: Scribe black
Bearings: Symetrics
Frames: GROUND CONTROL feather light 3 black
Soul Plates: Black Symetrics

Describe your personal blade set up: Adapt J. bah Vegan White with black Symetrics soul plates and black Ground Control Feather Light 3 frames and black and Scribe wheels.
What parts do you wear through the quickest: My wheels.
What part do you break most often: Wheels and bearings.
Which parts are you paranoid about breaking: Wheels.
What spares/tools do you keep in your backpack: My swiss army knife.
Where do your parts go once you are done with them?
In a box, maybe it could help someone later or it can be more destroyed to create a prototype…
Flat or Freestyle: Polyurethane anti-rockers wheels.
Anything you plan to change on you current setup?
Nothing. I like it like that and also the more the skate is destroyed the more I like it! Sometimes I also like to have an all black setup, but right now I like the white.