Worapoj “Note” Boonnim is one the greatest talents to arise from Asia and seemingly one of the most underrated skaters of his time as well. Note and Kaspars Alksnis filmed this piece during December of 2018 in Note’s homeland of Thailand while Kaspars visited to make Nils Jansons‘ “Mind Your Step” project. Note also received additional filming support by Soichiro Kanashima while he visited Japan as well as help from Be-Mag alumni Freddy White.

Note’s skating is always done at breakneck speed matched with incredibly fluid style and control. Paired with Kaspar’s impeccable filming, an upbeat music selection and fast paced editing, it makes for a classic promotion for USD’s newest Aeon skate line.

Be sure to follow Worapoj on his social media accounts as well as USD’s Youtube account for more content from their team.
Instagram: @woorapojboonnim
Facebook: Worapoj.Boonnim
Youtube: USDSkates
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