The Plastic Pushers crew have returned with their second installment of their popular series and their newest effort is a highly likely contender for video of the year. The boys had big shoes to fill in following up their cult classic first video but Plastic Pushers main videographer Cavin Brinkman and the boys far exceeded our expectations and brought out the big guns from beginning to end.
PP2 showcases appearances from a wide range of established icons of the game, relative unknowns (but still rippers!) and some of the brightest up-and-coming stars in the sport; who all brought out their A-Game in delivering an epic video that will certainly get you juiced for your next blade session.
PP2 is not your typical little ten minute long crew montage either! The Pushers clocked in over an hour of sweet blade maneuvers, not including the inevitable “makings of” and “B-Roll” footage that are certain to come soon as well. So sit back and relax and prepare to be amazed by some of the Netherland’s finest blade talent (and one suave French Be-Mag alumnus as well).
