Be-Mag hack: “It’s amazing how good skating can withstand the test of time and shitty music can’t last three minutes”. “Whaddayamean, Be-Mag shitworker Josip”, asked the avid Be-Mag reader. “You see, dear Be-Mag reader, this new Koichi Iguchi section, that seems to have been filmed half a decade ago, has Koichi’s incredible, timeless skating that I could watch all day, and it’s set up with a tune so irritating I just had no choice but to turn the volume to mute. That’s what I mean”, said the Be-Mag hack. “Truly, Koichi’s skating in incredible, but you’re a snob, Be-Mag shitworker”, replied the Be-Mag reader, thus ending the conversation about the new MFTBRAND section featuring Koichi Iguchi on long gone SSM skates.