One of the most talked about subjects within the blading community has been the apparent lack of new teenage skaters coming up in the scene, leaving many to question the sustainability of our sport given the majority of our community is now reaching their late thirties to early forties. But every once in a while we are hit with a plethora of new faces that revitalize our hope for the future of blading. That moment came when we recently watched “Future 2“, a collaborative video arranged by the multi-talented Tebbe Siems.
To raise awareness for the overwhelming global hunger problem, Tebbe was able to assemble a whos-who of some of the world’s brightest young prospects hailing from Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Japan, the UK, and the Netherlands for a video that shows that we have nothing to worry about as far as talent leading us into the next generation. On top of being highly talented inline skaters, the young men also have a larger goal in creating the necessary change to combat famine worldwide. If you want to support the project and its inspiring message, you can help them with a donation that goes directly to UNICEF in their efforts to battle global hunger. You can find that UNICEF link here.

“Future 2” features full profiles on Nolan van Ophoven, Reuben Collins, Samuel Obst, Tebbe Siems, Piotrek Gbyl, Noboru Katayama, Albert Valeev, and Liam Gratwohl.