Images and Text by Ryan Loewy
The question has been lingering around rollerblading for awhile now, “How can we save rollerblading?” Well, I am not a company owner or a pro rider, but I know the answer to that question. Within each rollerblader lies the responsibility to spread the word about rollerblading and get people who aren’t involved involved.
Greg Kieffer is a prime example of someone that not only loves rollerblading but is dedicated to it. Last year, Greg quit his day job and started up Tri State Skate, a skate shop located in Hillburn, NY. New York has been long over due for a legitimate, blader owned skate shop, and Tri State Skate is the answer to that call.
In honor of their one year anniversary, Greg had Brian Aragon come out to the shop, which shares the same location as Drop In Skate Park, and do a demo. As I walked into the park, I overheard a skateboarder talking to another about Aragon, asking, “Did you see that dude on the skates with that yellow shirt? [That] Guy is a beast!”
What was great about this little demo was the age variety of the skaters in attendance, from kids that were in their single digits all the way to dudes in their late twenties, shredding it up. This is exactly what we should be doing; holding demos, supporting our local shops, building our community… We should all be as proactive as possible!
I encourage all to take part in getting people in the know about blading, whether it be giving someone an old pair of skates or opening up your own shop; every positive action is a step forward for rollerblading.