Paradiso E Inferno – Be Mag Tour Live Update – Part 4 – Beach party

As we already mentioned there was rain when we arrived in Genova, but the next day the weather was perfect… So we started the day with a little bowlsession in the park of Genova (which is designed by our friendly host matteo)

After everybody was done with the lines, stunts and hammers we went downtown for a crazy kinkledge next to a mall. There were so many people and even the police passed by… but nobody told us to leave… its so crazy that we got nowhere kicked out during the whole tour so far. Seems like Italy likes us (besides the internet… so we should call it Taly).

Alex and Jason both laced impressive Bs Royals on that beast.

For finishing the day we went to a small park right next to the beach, watched the sunset and enjoyed tourlife. In the evening we had to go out cause Dominik turned 26 the other day… and if you’ve ever met Dominik you know what that night was all about. Unfortunately we didnt manage it to get out before 12 and everything was closing when we went downtown, but we were striving around in the city and did maybe some stupid things.

The next day we packed our stuff, cleaned up the gym and left for some streetskating, tourismshit and the BEACH. The waves were huge and the water was really warm… Everybody had fun and enjoyed life as usual. We stayed there until the sunset and drove straight to Milano. Next days we’ll hit Brescia and Bergamo for some more bowls. So be sure to follow us on our way through the wonderful country of pasta, espresso and no internet.


Inferno E Paradiso Be-Mag Tour Liveupdate #2 from Be-Mag on Vimeo.