Grand Opening of Shock University

Over at Shock we are happy to celebrate the grand opening of Shock University! First off, what is Shock U? Shock U will be organizing courses taught by elite professors on subjects of their choice.  The lesson plan and the progression of the course will be posted on  Each professor will choose one student to focus on. The blade community will be privy to the progress of each student since video assignments will be mandatory so that the professors can take note of the students progress (also because many of the classes will be taught remotely through email, phone and chat). The courses are open to young and old. If you are interested in taking a course then you need only send one video of yourself to the professor who will then choose a student.  Keep in mind, you are welcome to follow along with the course even if you are not ‘the chosen one’.  If you are interested in seeing how this all works feel free to check out the updates on our course on ‘blade mechanics’ currently being taken by Dominic Bruce and taught by Professor Yee. 

We are still firming up the details but so far you can look forward to the following courses: Dominic Sagona (professor of Style), Kevin Yee (blading mechanics), Michael Garlinghouse (topside mistrials), Tony Rivituso (power skating), Casey Bagozzi (Switchups), Dustin Werbeski (the Cork), Pat Leal (classic grinds from fakie), Jeph Howard (fear managment), and Brett Dasovic (the alley oop topsoul), Joey McGarry (Mushroom Blading, specifics tbd.). 

The philosophy behind SHOCK U is to create a space where the elite bladers of our culture are able to reach out to fellow bladers, one at a time, and share the wisdom that can only come from years and years of dedication. The amazing responses we have already had from our teachers shows how this space is needed. Lets stop talking about the future of blading and start investing directly into it one student at a time!

Contact us at if you have questions, comments or are a potential student or teacher.