Chris and Kato keep on traveling through California. What do they do? The are enjoying their lives on the road, hitting up local skateshops and shredding with the local scene! Oh yeah and there is this new fancy thing in all the Rollerblading skateshops around the world that they promote: The Chris Haffey 2.0 Signatur Skate.
Story, edit and images by Kato
As you know we (I) had a bit of a rough start in the morning but Chris’s driving skills put us almost back on time somehow. Juan from InlineWarehouse suggested to meet about 30mn north of San Luis Obispo (where the warehouse is located), at the small concrete park of Templeton California. Templeton is a tiny place filled with happy people and surrounded by beautiful greenery and vineyards. We arrived zen, spotted Juan’s green helmet right away, and met the little crowd of local welcoming bladers.
The guys were super chill, relaxed mood and fun skating with everyone. Easy for me to say that because I don’t bust hard tricks everyday like the man does, but as usual Chris pulled through with a few small lines and a couple tricks for everyone there to enjoy.
Chris Haffey 2.0 Cali Tour – fourth stop from Be-Mag on Vimeo.
Since everything is so pretty and peaceful around here we followed Juan’s advice and settled close by for the night, in the town of Pismo Beach. As I’m writing this I hear nothing but the sound of waves, which gently filled our room all night long while we were sleeping. I didnt know I was such a poet but you gotta love this tour life sometimes. Relaxing hotel, good sea food, plenty of rest and ready for a new day.
See you all in Bakersfield for the 10years anniversary of Intuition!
Also make sure you check out the previous tour documentaries:
Chris Haffey Cali tour part 1 of 7.
Chris Haffey Cali tour part 2 of 7.
Chris Haffey Cali tour part 3 of 7.