Chimera Wheel Voting: Get involved in choosing the Design for the new Gabriel Hyden Pro Wheel

Edit filmed by Florian Scheiber & Benjamin Drosg, edited by Gabriel Hyden
Photography by Philipp Forstner & Alexander Schneider
Design by Dirk Oelmann

How can you participate in the voting?

Visit the Chimera Facebook page. The photo gallery shows four different drafts of Gabriels new wheel. Choose your favourite design and press the “Like”-button. Your vote might decide which draft will be the final design. The more “likes”, the better the chance to make it the next wheel of The Chimera Conspiracy. Everyone may just “like” one wheel.

Who is allowed to participate?

The participation is possible from all over the world. Pick your favouritve design until September 17, 2011 (11.59 pm, local time).

What do you get for your support?

Of course you do influence what the final Gabriel Hyden wheel will look like. Also you do have the chance to win one of three Dominik Wagner pro wheel sets (each 4 wheels) or the new limited edition Mythos t-shirt (only 50 items made).

How can you win?

Everyone who pressed the “like”-button could be the winner. Please press the “like”-button while you are visiting the “Gabriel Hyden Wheel Voting 2011”-album directly. It’s not important if the design you picked will be the final one to be chosen. Do not think about what most people will pick or already chose. Vote for your favourite draft! That’s it!

Thanks for your support & good luck!

-The Chimera Conspiracy


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