As said, we will raffle out three (3) sets of Scribe Industries Jon Robinson wheels. What do you have to do to take part in this raffle? Well, you just have to answer the following question:
In which year was Scribe Industries founded?
That’s not too difficult, is it? In case you need a little push into the right direction, you might want to check out the Scribe website over here. To increase your winning chances please also hit the Google +1 button on top or below this article. Please also add a confirmation to your post that you have +1ed the article.
Example answer:
“Scribe Industries was founded in 1743. I have +1ed this article!”
Terms and Conditions
- The competition runs until June 21st 2012
- You must comment on this article according to the request stated above
- Hit the Google +1 button (and also make your friends hit it by sharing this raffle with them on Google+ or Facebook)
- Close your comment by indicating you have +1ed the article
- Only comments of registered users will be considered for this competition! If you want to take part in this competition, but are not yet registered on Be-Mag, you have to do it now. Register here.
- Only one entry per person will be considered
- No cash alternative available
Good luck!