Fenfanix at Woodard West from 9TO5Mixtape on Vimeo.
Fenfanix rider Diego Guilloud from Geneve, Switzerland flew over to the U.S.A to compete at the Woodward West A.I.L “2010 Amateur Inline League”
Saturday 23 October was the day of the Amateur Final and he took Silver with 2nd Place, Shawn Martin was also there and he placed 6th in the street contest and 2nd in the Vert Advanced.
Sunday 24 October was the A.I.L Elite Pro Event and Diego Killed everything..He WON…1000 U.S Fresh Dollars…Next Step,Hoedown in Texas…Stay tuned!
Erick Rodriguez was also there,he made a nice short edit of him and Diego skating at the A.I.L…
– Gianluca Asunis