After moving to Amsterdam a few years ago, he finally started to get some attention and last year he got his first sponsor. Earlier his month he won one of the Mind The Gap competition stops by throwing a huge 1080 over the five meter gap, and that is definitely not the last time we will see him during competitions!
– Thijs Tel
1. Name: Orveo Mac Donald
2. Age: 20 Years
3. Hometown: Amsterdam, Netherlands
4. Sponsors: Thisissoul
5. Favorite event you attended so far: Winterclash
6. Best contest result so far: Mind the gap 2010 Duketown stop
7. Three characteristic features that describe you best: Single, sexy and sweet
8. Current Setup: Razors Don Bambrick
9. Bestrolling edit you have seen in 2010 so far: Edwin “From Hell” The Razors Flat rail Contest
10. Good advice you’ve been given: When I started skating my friend always said: “Always keep your head above the rail”. Simple but true.
11. Dumbest thing you did in your life so far: I never do dumb things .
12. Best thing you did in your life so far: Moving to Amsterdam!
13. A place where you want to travel to next: America
14. Three people you would love to skate with at your favourite spot: Montre, Shima and Haffey
15. One Amateur who should be pro: Hans Hardonk!