Kentucky Battle 2012 in Louisville, USA

KYB started as a yearly skate session among fellow rollerbladers residing in Kentucky to get together and share a common bond. Over the years it gained steam transforming into a full blown competition among rollerbladers from across the region. 

Now we’re looking to create a grassroots movement to help fund the event; along the way creating a template for future competitions around the world. The goal of KYB is, first and foremost, to bring together rollerbladers to share the love of the sport. In addition, we’re seeking to support those rollerbladers who push themselves and those around them in pursuit of progression.

Utilizing crowd sourcing platforms of fundraising allows rollerbladers all over the world to be involved in the events they seek to support. If we don’t support our sport no one else will! Funds collected will be used as event funding, prize money for the winners, and help reduce the entrance fees for all competitors. You’ll even get some hand crafted memorabilia as a special thank you!
The goal in utilizing such platforms is to provide the funding our industry and its participants deserve. Support fellow rollers, pledge now!

Find the related Facebook page over here. Coverage of last years event on Be-Mag can be found here.