Check out those two clips from the Grindhouse Realstreet Hannover filmed and chopped by Patrick Piesik. German shooting-star Eugen Enin entertains the Hannover crowd with a massive bio 540. Looking forward to seeing more of this young talent.
DP (Daniel Davidson-Pilon) from Calgary, Canada comes up with a new online section. As usual he build his own spots and then destroys them with his unique steeze.
The Vibraux crew is going hard constantly. Almost on a daily basis they deliver live updates from their six month tour. What makes this tour unique is the crew itself: John Bolino, Chris Haffey, Sean Kelso, Alex Broskow, Chris Farmer, Billy O'Neill, Don Bambrick - some of the world's best skaters.
Here is a trailer from the Strange Colors video featuring the talents of Jeremy Adamowicz, Alex Braunagel, Jake Wilkes, Loran Bohall, Tanner Tyree, Josh Mayo, Eric Foust, Garret Mitschellen, and Christian Macon.
As you might have noticed the Grindhouse team is currently roadtripping through Scandinavia. On their way from Stockholm to Copenhagen they teamed up with Sebastian Cassel. Here are a few clips of Sebastian ripping up some street spots during the tour.
Our be-mag ambassador from Australia Craig Smith is coming up with his latest release very soon. After releasing 'About Rollerblading' last year here comes the second - and highly anticipated - flick of the Australian filmmaker. This release will have profiles on Matthias Ogger (EU), Danny Jensen (NZ), Gavin Drumm (AUS), Robbie Pitts (AUS), Andrew Plumridge (AUS) and Isaac Callen (NZ).
Everytime you see "Mark Heuss" in the credits of an edit, you can be sure this edit will be epic. So is this one featuring a bunch of great skaters: JC Rowe, Nicolas Schopfer, Marian Sorge, Roman Abrate, Diego Guilloud, Oli Benet, Jack Neveu and Philipp Preuss.Guest appearances by Adam Kola, James Sharp and Mark Heuss.
I don't know what it is with Switzerland but this small country in the middle of the Alps keeps on producing so of the finest European skaters and boosts a healthy skatescene. This trailer is proof of the ongoing process.
Amsterdam shredder Dick Heerkens recently had a shooting with a Dutch TV station that is focussed on extreme sports. Dick introduced Geraldine (the presenter) and all viewers into the world of Rollerblading. And of course hammered out some sweet tricks - also at one of the former IMYTA spots. Great job, Dick. Keep representing rollerblading!