I remember when I first met Charles like 13 or 14 years ago. We got along right away. Since then he has always been one of my favourite dudes to skate with.
Mr Nantels skating is raw, filled with style and creative. His passion for everything he does is contagious.
Next section of 2009 BHC team video online. This time it's Mathias Silhan tearing up the streets of Strasbourg. Watch only if you have time to go for a session afterwards. Because this is what you want to do after finishing this section.
Every new edit Mason Richard pulls out makes me feel like shit. Dude is just too damn good. Thanks to Remz for introducing the new format 'Remz Short' with Mason. This edit is only a little over 50 seconds which makes me only feel semi-shit. I still wish I didn't watch it all the way through the last trick. God damn, Mason?!
Be-Mag msgboard heroes and best internet buddies Michael Kraft and Ian Copp went on a tour recently. Check out this hastily made teaser for the soon to be released video (edit?) of this trip. Deal with it.
Risemagazine just published a review of the new Razors video 'Game Theory'. Awesome review written in German complete with screen-caps and track-listing.
Sometimes you don't really know what you're getting yourself into. Work might just stay a piece of cake or become a hard challenge. When you're an ambitious person like Karsten Boysen, it usually turns out to be the latter. Since Karsten got his hands on cameras, he has fought one hell of a lot of those self imposed challenges. This year he portrayed the rolling scene of his hometown Hamburg and that is something the scene there has been missing for quite some time.
Roman Abrate took the first place at the Hamburg X-Mas Jam past weekend. Roman is known for his textbook 900s. This weekend he took them to a complete new level: Lacing a 900 transfer from the street area into the halfpipe made the contest's highlight and the crowd go wild alike.