Having just moved to Berlin, I’ve slowly been connecting with the local blade scene and discovering spots around this dense city. When my good friend Moza mentioned Abriss Berlin’s 9th street competition, I knew couldn’t miss out on the event and made sure to mark it in my calendar. The weather was perfect the day of competition. I packed my skates and my analog camera with a few different rolls of film for the day...
Review: Editor-in-Chief: Kevin Little, @kevinmlittle | Photography: Erick Garcia, @esgvisuals, @juicedsuckafoos Michael Braud has just dropped his newest...
REPORT BY: EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: KEVIN LITTLE, @kevinmlittle. PHOTOS BY: JOHN SULLIVAN @sullyphotozjohnsullivan, KEVIN LITTLE, @kevinmlittle The Oklahoma Showdown is now in its...