Interview & Photos | Jonathan Labez @JMLabez
Additional Photo | Christian Delfino @ChristianDelfino

THEM Skates is headed to the UK in a few weeks promote the release of the heavily anticipated 909 boot. The team will be stopping off in Manchester February 8th and London February 9th. Tickets are available on and

Over the next few weeks, Be-Mag will be interviewing everyone on the THEM 909 UK tour, getting to know their experiences in Britain, favorite parts of Brit culture, and what tour life means to them.

Next up is in this interview series is Sean Darst (@Seandarst).

Photo by Jonathan Labez for Be-Mag

Is this your first time in the UK?

Yes, it’s my first time to England.

What are you most looking forward to on this trip?

Hanging out, skating, and talking theory with the whole crew. Skating with and being in the U.K. scene—Everything about going there.

Do you collect certain knickknacks when you visit a new place?

No, but I should!

Photo by Jonathan Labez for Be-Mag

Who is your all time favorite skater from the UK?

Oli Short, hands down.

Person you’re most likely to get into trouble with on this tour?

Marius [Gaile] or Danny [Beer].

What do you dread the most about traveling?

There’s nothing to dread.  Being able to travel is a blessing.

Sequence by Jonathan Labez for Be-Mag

What are five essentials you are bringing on this trip?

• 909s

• Passport

• Arnica-menthol balm for muscle aches and pains

• Headphones

• iPad

What are some lessons you’ve learned on tour?

• Pack light.

• Extra battery pack for phone. 

• Drink plenty of water.

• Be up first thing in the AM.

Photo by Christian Delfino for THEM

The Beatles, the Rolling Stones or Queen?

Brian Eno

Sherlock Holmes or James Bond?


Cup o’ tea, pint of beer, or shot of scotch?

Pint of beer

Crisps or chips?


Meat pies or Sunday roasts?

Sunday roasts

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