Blading videographer J. P Primiano of Butter TV has been on quite a hot streak for the last few years having consistently released some of the most compelling contest coverage from all around the world. And his most recent work covering the 10th annual Pow-Wow competition in Jacksonville Florida last month just might be one of his best works thus far.
After a extended hiatus, the Pow-Wow returned during one of the most tumultuous times in recent history, being that it was scheduled in the middle of March, which corresponded with the early stages of the corona virus spreading worldwide and shutting down massive gatherings of all kinds. What an incredible time to be planning a contest, right? After being advised by the state of Florida and the CDC, the management of Kona skatepark put into place a strict policy that if there were anymore than 250, the competition would be shut down instantly. So to keep the event running, the organizers of the Pow-Wow event enacted a media blackout to limit the amount of outside exposure to the event and prevent them from passing the occupancy limit and potentially having the event shut down.
Luckily, all went according to plan! The majority of participants and blading media outlets held their word and kept their accounts of the Pow-Wow event to themselves and now we have these incredible videos to share from the event! These memories bring us all back to simpler times; when being among our friends in the open air, skating our cares away and enjoying the beautiful sunshine was a common spectacle. Although times may seem wild at the current moment, we can all look forward to more events like the Pow-Wow in the future, we just have to be patient and bide our time. So make your plans to be there for the next Pow-Wow coming in March of 2021!

Also, be sure to check out our comrades at Blader Union‘s extensive coverage of the Pow-Wow event in the article listed below.