J.P Primiano of Butter TV and Justin Brasco bring you the third installment of their Wall Street series: The Crash. Filmed over the summer of 2019 in Justin and J.P‘s hometown of New York City. Justin has been a pillar of the NYC blading scene for a very long time, as he is one of the most consistently incredible bladers to hail from the East Coast. Justin’s skating has not missed a beat in over two decades that he has been on the scene and doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon.
Justin and J.P have created another visual masterpiece that accentuates the beautiful scenery of New York and highlights Justin’s wide ranging skating prowess. He makes use of his environment in very creative ways and finesses some of the city’s most iconic spots as well as finds some unseen gems to roll on as well. Hats off to Justin and J.P for putting forth so much effort into making a classic piece of cinema for us to enjoy.
That ender clip is absolutely mind-blowing and cannot be appreciated enough! <3