Sebastian Hofer

Insight: Eugen Enin

Over the past five years Eugen Enin has made a name for himself, as he’s easily one of the most technical bladers Europe’s got to offer. Some of his tricks are impossible to follow and his many edits received nothing but love from the very first day. Recently, Eugen also got to take a look behind the curtain, during an internship at his sponsor USD and of course taking advantage of the in-house filmer Mark Heuss to work on a couple of edits. Well, this one is long overdue and we are proud to present this Insight feature with Eugen Enin.


Text: Johannes Jacobi
Photos: Mark Heuss (featured photo by Sebastian Hofer)

Full Name: Eugen Enin

Age: 23

Blading since: Around13 years

Born: Uman

Currently living in: Borken

Sponsors: USD, Kizer, Undercover Wheels, Agv Shop

Setup: USD DIY Skates, Kizer fluid 4, UC Dual Density wheels

Relationship status: In a Relationship


First ever pair of blades: Brown Salomon St – 8

First ever video you’ve watched: Some old KFC videos

Favorite Pro: Rich, Lomax

Favorite Am: Jeremy Soderburg, Kirill Kochetkov, Howie Bennett

Favorite artist / band: Varied.. but a lot of weird German rap

Worst artist / band: Gabba hardcore music…

Favorite food: Chinese

Worst food: Vegan


Best job: The ebay hustle

Worst job: Customer acquisition for bofrost…

Favorite city: Borken… my family and the gang

Worst city: Borken… no spots

Favorite terrain to blade: Street

Worst injury: A benign tumor in my thigh, which was caused by several injuries that occurred.

Best trip in 2013/2014: Winterolympics tour (Farmer, Montre, Richie, Lomax and Morales)

Last trip: Summerclash

Next trip: Poland Rzeszow Concrete Madness

Next video part you’re filming for: Currently I’m filming with my little brother for something special…


Hey Eugen, thanks for doing this with us. Where are you right now and what did you do before you started answering my questions?
Chilling at home and enjoying the last days of the summer.

You are skating for USD. What’s your exact status on the team and how did you get connected with them?
I’m in the AM team. It all started 2010 after the real street series. I tried my best at some contests and got some good rankings. After that I received an e-mail from USD asking me if I wanted to skate for their flow team.

You recently did an internship at the Conference. What exactly are you studying and could you see yourself working there in a full time job in the future?
Normally I’m studying business with focus on strategic and operative controlling.
Hmm right now I’m happy with my skate/studentlife. So not in the near future hahaha

Please tell us a little bit about the internship. What did you work on and did it change your view on blading?
Normally the internship doesn’t fit to my activity emphasis but I found a cool prof and convinced him… I helped out here and there, organized a skatenight, worked together with some riders to get a better communication etc.
And yes, it changed my view on blading… I already knew some of the people there but after my time in Bayreuth I learned to enjoy my time on blades even more. I appreciate to have the time and chance to roll so much and I learned that there is more than only grinding obstacles.

Almost everyone loves your edits, you got good sponsors and you started winning competitions as well. What’s next for you?
Hopefully I will be simply skating a lot and still find some time to hang around with my dogs 🙂

Thanks for taking your time Eugen. Any last words?
Thanks to my Sponsors for believing in me and all the support over the years!
Big thanks goes to my Family and my Borklyn Zoo squad and to my lady for sure!



