We love to get submissions here at Be-Mag and we received this incredible compilation video from Kayd Anderson, an old school blade head from Sydney Australia who has been shredding hard since 1992. Kayd recently went through some old VHS tapes and compiled this incredible highlight reel of clips filmed by his friends Dom West, Hardian Bastouli and Josh Nielsen, among others. The video spans over a quarter of a century and showcases how very progressive his skating was for its time, with extremely technical combinations done well before some of our readers were even born.
And even though Kayd is a family man now with two children, he still continues to shred hard and doesn’t seem to be letting the foot off the gas anytime soon. Kayd is an inspiration and we hope he keeps shredding for another 25 years!
If you are interested in submitting your own video to us here at Be-Mag, just follow the instructions at https://be-mag.com/submissions/

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