One Minute, One Spot with Jeremy Townsend

So I was filming for the Street Battle Seattle promo edit the other day when I realized I over skated one spot and had too many clips! This extra footage was perfect for a Be-mag 1min 1spot! The spot was actually used as the first spot of SBS07 where Ross Kuhn ruled the day. The promo, once finished will include me skating each and every spot ever used during the last 9 years of SBS. Until then I hope people will enjoy this little edit by Bander Saleh. Keep in mind it wouldn’t be possible without these 2 great companies as
well. Eulogy and Trust! Thanks guys.

    1. Full name: Jeremy James Parker Townsend
    2. Age:
    3. Hometown:
    Seattle, Washington
    4. Sponsors:
    That’s a good question.
    5. Favorite trick:
    Any trick done perfectly.
    6. Favorite skate event:
    Street Battle Seattle
    7. Your top three skate-songs:
    That’s another hard question. So I checked my iTunes most played list: Eminem – Not Afrai, The Faint – Posed to Death, Black Eyed Peas – Anxiety
    8. Current set-up:
    Soon to be riding Remz after 10 years of USD’s but currently…Classic USD Thrones, Crap Bears, Eulogy wheels, and not sure what frames.
    9. Best rolling edit you have seen in 2010 so far: There’s so many good edits out there!
    10. Good advice you’ve been given: Don’t be negative.
    11. Bad habit: Speeding.
    12. Three characteristics that describe you the best: Devoted, Driven, and Focused.
    13. Place you want to travel to next: Australia
    14. Best contest results so far: 9th place Barn Burner 2010, 2nd place Spokane Jam 201