Full name Jon Fromm
Age: 20
Hometown: Boca Raton, Fl
Sponsors: Razors, Ground Control, Print Brigade, Scribe, Asphalt Beach
Favourite Trick: Zero Spin Fishbrain
One Minute, One Spot with Jon Fromm from Be-Mag on Vimeo.
Favorite skate event: Bittercold Showdown
Your top three skate-songs:
- Hammocks-Million Young
- Lupe Fiasco- The instrumental
- Massge Situation- Flying Lotus
Current set-up: Bambricks, with Scribe Casey Bagozzi wheels.
Best rolling edit you have seen in 2010 so far: Throw Away Edit (An Online Video Willie Trebach made)
Good advice you’ve been given: Probably from Ian Copp “Jon, you’re better than spin tricks, do the other thousands of tricks you have, and stay from the spinning”
Bad habit: Yelling when people don’t listen to me.
Three characeristic features that describes you the best: Hardworking, Energetic, Fun. idk. haha
Place you want to travel to next: Argentina
Best contest results so far: 2nd Place AM, 2009 Bittercold Showdown